It is 1958, a newspaper costs 2 francs, space is conquered and the plastic hula hoop fascinates the public. In our part of the world, the World and International Exposition of Brussels opens on April 17. What is rather in the collective memory for many Belgians, is an intimate memory for others. Through the podcast created by the Atomium, you will get to know 6 witnesses for whom Expo 58 is not just a page in the history books but a chapter of their own personal history.
From the rigorous head of the hostesses to the enthusiastic - then young - ketje, the 6 episodes introduce you to Expo 58 through fascinating, never-before-told stories. The series immerses you in the heart of this unforgettable adventure that left its mark on our country and those who participated in it.
The Atomium Podcast is available in French, Dutch and German. To watch with subtitles, go to the official YouTube channel of the Atomium: atomium.official.
Atomium Podcast - Intro FR
The Atomium would like to thank the Sonuma for granting us permission to use its archives. Its contribution has significantly enriched our project.

Committed to safeguarding our audiovisual heritage and passing it on to present and future generations, SONUMA's main mission is to digitize, preserve and promote Belgium's French-speaking audiovisual archives, precious testimonies to our collective history.
SONUMA holds a large collection of nearly 190,000 hours of sound and images. It promotes these collections to target groups such as education, scientific research, cultural operators, audiovisual professionals and the general public.
SONUMA works with local and international partners to promote Belgium's audiovisual culture and history, and is constantly on the lookout for new opportunities to promote its work and enrich its catalog.